
Dr Ahmed El Muntasar won The Rising Star Award 2022

The Safety in Beauty “Diamond” of the Future award, announced on the 3rd of December 2022, is given to “an individual professional who has contributed significantly to the profession, and industry, and has demonstrated continuous dedication to providing outstanding care, treatment and excellent results to their patients/clients during the past 12-24 months.”

Dr Ahmed El Muntasar won The Rising Star Award 2022

With his kind-heartedly and patient-centered approach, Dr. Ahmed’s role in the aesthetics industry has been once again recognized.


2022 has been stellar here for Dr. Ahmed. MaiLi and Lanluma, two new-generation dermal fillers, have been added to the wide collection of non-surgical treatments that Dr. Ahmed provides in his three clinics, based in London, Cheshire, and Leeds.


With his keen interest in the safety of his patients, Dr. Ahmed is one of the UK’s leading aesthetics doctors, a pioneer in offering non-surgical alternatives to help his patients reach their aesthetic goals and rediscover their true beauty.

ahmed award