
Answering The Most Common Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Questions

The nose is a crucial body part for providing structure to the face and certain conditions may cause it to be misaligned or crooked in certain instances. Nose bumps are particularly common and a reason for people seeking rhinoplasties (nose jobs).

While seeking surgical nose jobs is a usual practice, another option to consider is a non-surgical rhinoplasty. To help you learn more about the procedure, we’ve created a list of answers to the most common questions we get asked

What is a non-surgical rhinoplasty?

A non-surgical nose job is a treatment that doesn’t involve any physical surgery. This makes it different from a regular nose job, where the skin is peeled back to alter the tissue beneath.


With a non-surgical rhinoplasty, dermal filler is injected into the nose to create a variety of positive results. This ranges from a straightened nasal bridge to hiding nose bumps.

Before and after after a patient who is a woman receives non surgical rhinoplasty

What are the benefits of a non-surgical rhinoplasty?


Exceptional results


The procedure is guaranteed to produce quick and long-lasting results. Whether you want to alter the bridge of your nose or make it smaller, there’s a wide range of changes that can be made.


If you were to take non-surgical rhinoplasty before and after photos, you’d see the changes right away.




One of the biggest advantages of getting a non-surgical nose job is that it’s a non-invasive procedure. There aren’t any knives involved and you won’t have to be subjected to anaesthetic.


As a result, you won’t need to go through a lengthy recovery period.


At the forefront of safe cosmetic procedures


Non-surgical nose jobs are carried out by cosmetic experts who use the latest industry best practices and equipment. This also reduces the risk of any complications during the treatment and ensures there won’t be any damage.


Completely reversible


Want to reverse your non-surgical nose job? No problem. The dermal filler is made from hyaluronic acid, a natural body compound and this can be dissolved with another compound called hyaluronidase.




Compared to a traditional nose job, non-surgical rhinoplasty offers a more natural-looking cosmetic enhancement, which can be adjusted according to your preferences and create a more defined shape.

Does a non-surgical rhinoplasty hurt?


While the nose is a sensitive area, you can rest assured that there won't be any pain with a non-surgical nose job. Dermal fillers usually contain a built-in anaesthetic, and we always use numbing cream and all the appropriate precautions to make sure to provide our patients with the less invasive and most pleasant experience.


How long will the results of my nose job last?


A non-surgical nose job is a 15-minute procedure and results last up to 12 months.


How much does a non-surgical nose job costs?


At The Aesthetics Doctor, we provide treatment for £450 at our Leeds, Cheshire and London clinics. Check our treatment prices or get in touch to learn more.