
Here’s what men want - dermal fillers!

With the new work from home culture, more and more men are looking forward to being ‘Zoom Ready’ and getting under the knife (and the needle)!


Surprised? While women aesthetics procedures contribute to a whooping size of 85%, the pandemic has seen a huge rise in male aesthetics procedures as well.


Dr. Ahmed specialises in dermal filler treatments, offering tailored solutions for men and women alike. 

What kinds of Anti-Ageing Cosmetic Treatments Are There?



Wrinkles are a result of the skin becoming thinner and less elastic overtime. With age, it becomes harder for the skin to spring back and leads to deeper grooves. Anti-wrinkle treatment is an excellent method for softening lines and contours. It’s also effective in smoothing out forehead creases and frown lines, making eyebrows shapelier and removing crow’s feet around the eyes.


The treatment works by toxins such as botulinum toxin being injected into the specified area of muscle. The toxin relaxes the muscles in the face and helps to soften out any lines or creases.


Anti-wrinkle treatment is quick, efficient and requires no recovery time. With treatment time taking 10 minutes, you’ll be able to carry on with your daily activities and results will appear up to 2 weeks after treatment, lasting for between 3 – 6 months.

man being injected

Ellanse Treatment

Another effective anti-ageing treatment involves using Ellanse dermal fillers. Ellanse is a revolutionary biostimulator of collagen that helps to rejuvenate the skin.


Suitable for removing wrinkles, providing more volume for the face and sculpting the jawline, cheekbone and chin. The procedure is suited for men and women of all ages and works by an injection into the designated area of skin. The properties of Ellanse hydrate the body, providing results that last between 2 – 5 years.


Non-Surgical Facelift

A non-surgical face lift involves making a non-intrusive suture into the face. Threads with bidirectional cone technology are used to provide an immediate uplifting effect. As a secondary result, new collagen is produced, and skin becomes healthier overtime.


A non-surgical facelift requires much less recovery time than a surgical job and is generally more cost-effective.


So gentlemen, reach out to us today to book a consultation and we’ll help you take the first step towards your face enhancement procedure.

non surgical nose job after