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Love Handles

Love handles refer to excess skin that extends from the hips. They can be formed through a build-up of fat in the hips and stomach area. If your body is taking in too many calories or you aren’t getting enough exercise, fat cells start to accumulate and become noticeable.


On their own love handles aren’t dangerous, but they may be an indicator of underlying health problems such as high cholesterol, heart disease, high blood pressure and sleep apnoea.


What Are the Causes?


  • Lack of physical activity
  • A diet that’s high in fats and sugars
  • Hormonal changes
  • Age
love handle treatment

Every person’s body is different, and no treatment will be the same. We offer detailed cosmetic advice on conditions like love handles, and we’ll work with you to find a treatment that’s right for your circumstances.


Get in touch today for more information or request a call back to book online for a personalised consultation.

Treatments Available for Love Handles

What Types of Love Handle Treatments Are Out There?

Fat Dissolving Injection

Even with regular exercise, love handles can sometimes be difficult to remove and fat dissolving injections can help.


The injection contains specialised compounds that are designed to break down fat efficiently and safely. These chemicals attach to fat cells, breaking them down overtime until the body releases the cells. The excretion process usually takes place over 3 – 6 weeks.


The benefits of fat dissolving injections include a quick procedure, minimal recovery time and excellent results. Once the fat cells have been broken down, they are removed permanently.



Another way to treat love handles is with radiotherapy, which involves using radio waves on the skin.


The waves are directed at areas of fat and heated to stimulate the production of collagen. This results in the tightening of the skin and may help to reduce love handles.


Liposuction is a popular love handles removal treatment, focusing on removing excess fat around the abdominal region. The procedure involves a suction technique to remove fat and make the area shapelier.


Once liposuction is completed, the skin moulds itself to the new contours of the body. Skin that has a strong amount of elasticity will look smooth, whereas thin skin may appear loose.


Keep in mind that liposuction is a cosmetic based surgery and not generally recommended as treatment for weight loss. It’s best to consult with a skincare expert to decide if it’s the best type of treatment for you.

At The Aesthetic Doctor, You're in Safe Hands

We offer a range of Love handles treatment to immediately improve the appearance of your skin and give you back all the confidence you need to feel beautiful.


At The Aesthetics Doctor, we have already performed thousands of injectable procedures, and Dr Ahmed is constantly revolutionising and changing the beauty industry.


We pride ourselves on patient care and experience and we are always happy to welcome our patients to our clinics in London, Leeds, and Cheshire.


Book your Love handles consultation today or request a call back to discuss your beauty concerns with our friendly staff.

Cosmetic Doctor Background image
Meet Dr Ahmed Image

Meet Dr Ahmed

[**Dr Ahmed**]( is not just a highly respected professional and one of the top cosmetic doctors in the country, but he is also a social media sensation. From winning numerous awards in the field, including The British Aesthetics Awards, Dr Ahmed has gone from contestant, finalist and winner to now judge of the Marie Claire Skin Awards with titles such as Forbes, [**Tatler**](, Vogue and Glamour praising his expert knowledge and service, propelling him into the spotlight.

As seen in...

Cosmetic Clinic Leeds

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